One of the most influential factors during a child’s adolescence is maintaining a strong, open relationship with a parent. When you create supportive and nurturing environments, it's likely your child will make better decisions. Though it may not always seem like it, your child really does hear your concerns, which is why it’s important that you discuss the risks of using alcohol and other drugs. When your child feels comfortable discussing drug uses and consequences with you, they're more likely to come to you with questions and concerns if they face opportunities to engage in drug use later.
SAMSHA's "Talk. They Hear You" Campaign has numerous helpful tips on how to have these important conversations with your child.
"Talk. They Hear You" Campaign
Mental and Substance Disorders in Families
If you are a parent looking to find ways you can help prevent substance use in your child or teen consider becoming a member of a local drug prevention coalition.
Connect with a Substance Use Prevention Coalition in Your Area
Overton County Anti-Drug Coalition Bi-Monthly Meetings
We encourage everyone to carry the lifesaving product Naloxone. You never know when you may need to save a life. If you would like to be trained in Reversing an Overdose contact our office at 931-823-3797 or click the link below to learn more.